
Traineeships are developed and delivered by your local Education and Training Board (ETB) who work in partnership with industry representatives and employers to identify skills gaps and future skills needs in the local workforce.

Traineeships can give employers access to a pipeline of learners who are developing cutting edge skills and gaining on-the-job experience in relevant sectors. By tailoring courses to meet local needs, traineeships can improve employment outcomes for the trainees and increase retention and productivity for employers.

Partner Employers

New traineeships are developed on an ongoing basis across a range of industries and sectors. As a partner employer, you can help shape future Traineeship courses by identifying skills needs and contributing to the design and content of the programme. Partner employers also provide programme placements to trainees who will gain a minimum of 30% on-the-job experience during the traineeship.

If you’d like to find out more about becoming a partner employer with your local ETB, contact the Further Education and Training Director at your local ETB to get involved as a partner employer or find your nearest Regional Skills Fora.

There are five steps to developing a new traineeship, from identifying a skills need to assess the outcomes of the programme. This process can take between six to eight months.

Further information is available in 'The Five-Step Guide to Traineeship in Ireland’.

Watch the video to find out more.