
FET micro-qualifications are a new FET offering to future-proof businesses, with programmes comprising of short, stackable accredited qualifications tailored to fit employees’ work schedules and provided at little or no cost to employers. Created in partnership with industry, FET micro-qualifications are provided at local level by the Education and Training Boards network under the Skills to Advance initiative.

Search Micro-Qualifications

RefCourse TitleProviderLocationStartsCategoryType
453327Green Skills Suite - Environmental Awareness & Sustainability in the WorkplaceBaldoyle Training CentreOnline27/01/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionOnline
480784Environmental Sustainability AwarenessNorth KildareCelbridge20/01/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
458775Social Media for Digital Marketing (Building Digital Business Skills)Loughlinstown Training CentreLoughlinstown20/01/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
472238Skills To Advance - B2332- Kells -L5 Environmental Sustainability in the WorkplaceBTEI Programme MeathKells (Urban)29/01/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
454290GS - Environmental Sustainability in the WorkplaceTraining OffalyOnline04/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionOnline
446074Sustainable Supply Chain ProcurementTraining CarlowCarlow Town Environs05/02/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
469866Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace - Letterkenny (Evenings)Letterkenny Training CentreLetterkenny05/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
463900The Circular Economy - Skills to AdvanceBishopstown Campus, Cork College of FETRossa Avenue Bishopstown Cork06/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionOnline
471125Environmental Sustainability AwarenessGRETB Training CentreOnline10/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
454297Sustainable Supply Chain ProcurementTraining OffalyOnline11/02/2025Business and administration and lawOnline
459030Skills to Advance - Building Digital Business SkillsKerry College Business Support UnitTralee12/02/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
469269Resource Efficiency for a Sustainable WorkplaceTipperary TrainingOnline12/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
456374Resource Efficiency for a Sustainable WorkplaceTraining OffalyOnline18/02/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
407317Digital Business Solutions (Building Digital Business Skills)Training CarlowCarlow Town26/02/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
469588Building Digital Business Skills - Letterkenny (Evening)Letterkenny Training CentreLetterkenny04/03/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
486148Business Innovation and Market Development - Market ExplorationMonaghan TrainingMonaghan (Urban)04/03/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
459033Skills to Advance - Environmental Sustainability in the WorkplaceKerry College Business Support UnitTralee06/03/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
481965Environmental Sustainability in the WorkplaceKildare TrainingOnline19/03/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
466872Digital Business SolutionsTipperary TrainingOnline25/03/2025Business and administration and lawOnline
473321Environmental Sustainability in the WorkplaceTraining KilkennyKilkenny City26/03/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionParttime
465398Environmental Sustainability Awareness in the WorkplaceTipperary TrainingOnline28/03/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionOnline
463917Sustainable Supply Chain Procurement - Skills to AdvanceBishopstown Campus, Cork College of FETRossa Avenue Bishopstown Cork03/04/2025Business and administration and lawParttime
462247Social Media for Digital Marketing - Skills to AdvanceBishopstown Campus, Cork College of FETOnline07/04/2025Business and administration and lawOnline
476529Tendering & EstimatingBaldoyle Training CentreOnline13/04/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionOnline
476527Building and Facilities MaintenanceBaldoyle Training CentreBaldoyle27/04/2025Engineering, manufacturing and constructionFulltime
464077Digital skills for Business (QQI Level 5)AthloneTraining CentreOnline27/04/2025Business and administration and lawParttime

Find out more about FET micro-qualifications here.

Green Skills Micro-Qualifications

The Skills to Advance green skills range of micro-qualifications aims to boost awareness of the key environmental sustainability issues that affect employers and employees to equip them with the skills to make a positive contribution to sustainability in the workplace. Green skills micro-qualifications include:

Micro-qualifications are delivered flexibly at little or no cost and are available from Education and Training Boards (ETBs) around the country.

Employer benefits

  • Develop new skills in your team

  • Green your business for cost savings, competitiveness and profitability

  • Reduce your carbon footprint

  • Highly subsidised flexible training

Employee benefits

  • Develop green skills for your career

  • Future-proof your job

  • Reduce your carbon footprint

  • Highly subsidised flexible training

Targeted employees

Employees across all roles, particularly those who are interested in or have responsibility for addressing sustainable practices, carbon footprint or climate change issues in the workplace.  

Programme development

The programmes are being developed by SOLAS and the Education and Training Boards (ETBs), in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Irish Water, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Regional Skills Fora.


Programmes are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and awards are available at Level 5 and 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications.


Training is provided by ETBs in your region and will consist of short programmes, delivered in a blended learning format with tutor support and online digital resources, to enhance the learning experience. Delivery is flexible to suit both employer and employee needs. The programmes will involve approximately 25-30 hours contact time with a tutor.


Contact the Skills to Advance representative in your local ETB to find out more.

Digital Skills Micro-Qualifications

This Skills to Advance digital skills training is provided by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) to enable business use digital technology to increase productivity, grow their customer base and improve their customer experience.

This highly subsidised training supports business and their teams to upskill digitally and transact business online. 

Find out more about the Building Digital Business Skills programme.

The training equips employees to optimise the application of digital technologies in the workplace at little or no cost.

Employer benefits

  • Grow your online business

  • Access highly subsidised flexible training

  • Improve customer relations and win new customers online

  • Identify and interpret customer data

  • Manage change in the digital world

  • Increase brand awareness and loyalty using social media.

Employee benefits

  • Develop digital skills and make a difference in your career

  • Avail of personalised learning to meet your needs

  • Access new digital knowledge for a better future

  • Enhance your contribution to the success of your company.

Targeted employees

Employees will develop the digital skills they need to successfully use technologies for sales, marketing and business administration.

It is also designed for employers who want to use digital technology to communicate more effectively with their customers and to increase their business success through an online presence.

Programme development

This Skills to Advance training was developed by SOLAS and the ETBs in consultation with enterprise, Chambers Ireland, ISME, SFA and the Regional Skills Fora.


Each micro-qualification programme is accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and leads to a Level 5 qualification on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).


Training is available locally from ETBs and is provided in person, online with tutor support, and/ or in a blended format. Training delivery schedules are flexible to suit both business and employee requirements.

Course Structure

Building Digital Business Skills consists of two micro-qualifications which can be taken together as part of an overall Special Purpose Award or as independent awards:

Employees can choose to complete one or both of the following modules:

1. Digital Business Solutions

This micro-qualification will enhance the digital customer experience and improve business processes through the use of digital business solutions.

2. Social Media for Digital Marketing

This micro-qualification will create and enhance the digital presence of a business through the use of social media.

Each micro-qualification involves 36 hours contact time with a tutor and additional time to complete work related projects and assignments.


Contact the Skills to Advance representative in your local ETB to find out more.