The SOLAS Board is accountable to the Minister of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and is responsible for ensuring good governance in SOLAS. It consists of our Chairperson Sean Aylward and 11 ordinary members, all of whom were appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills. Our current Board comprises 54 per cent men and 46 per cent women.
The CEO and the senior management team follow the broad strategic direction set by the Board, and ensure that all Board members have a clear understanding of the key activities and decisions related to SOLAS.
The Board has three sub-committees: Audit and Risk Committee; Strategic Planning Committee; and Workforce and Organisational Development Committee.
SOLAS CEO, Andrew Brownlee, acts as a direct liaison between the Board and management of SOLAS.
Grants to ETBs
Programme costs
Grants to other organisations
Staff pay and overheads
Pension costs*
*Pension costs include pension costs related to SOLAS retired staff and pension costs for legacy organisations currently being administered by SOLAS
Overall SOLAS Budget €1,087.2m. Each year business plans and budgets are allocated in line with the Further Education and Training Strategy 2020-2024 and the SOLAS Corporate Plan 2021-2023.
Our Board
Board Members
Andrew Brownlee
Sean Aylward
Chairperson, Former Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality)
Dr. Kevin Marshall
Head of Learning & Skills, Microsoft Ireland.)
Siobhan O’Shea
Director, Indeed.)
Catrina Sheridan
Chief Executive Officer – Sightsavers Ireland)
Dearbháil Lawless
CEO, Aontas)
Niall O'Donnellan
Independent Strategy Advisor)
Sheila Gallagher
Chief Financial Officer, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland)
Orla Coughlan
Management Consultant and Non Executive Director)
Michael Murphy
Principal, Mayo College of Further Education and Training, MSLETB)
Susan Colley Doyle
Director of Finance and Business Support, Carton House)
Jim Meade
Chief Executive Officer, Iarnrod Eireann)